Or more realistically, hello to some close friends and relatives. No better time to get this thing started than right now. Classes have begun, readings have been assigned, and most due to the haze of summer still simmering around the StFX campus, the grind of school and studies is still being placed on the backburner. So put those books away, take out your laptop, sit on the Burke house lawn and give this a read.
I'd guess that an introduction would be appropriate. As our blog indicates, we are the inhabitants of the little house on top of the big hill. We attend the big university in the middle of the small town. Need more specifics? We like to wear hats and shorts.
Still not satisfied? I guess we could reveal names. Over the course of last year, we all acquired a few. Some for obvious reasons, others 'just because.' In no particular order...
Stuart MacPherson - Also known as 'Stu-ped' for reportedly always making the 'stooopid little mistaake' on tests...probably our least creative spin off. Lets just stick with Stu.
Cal Dewolfe - We could have called him 'The Wolfe' or something intimidating or cool like that, but we don't. DBC is his one alias, for reasons you may find out. He is a member of the DBD, along with DBR. There may be a future story on all of this later on.
Lee Wesselius - Has earned himself many names. We may refer to him as All-Star, Whistles, or Jerks. He even has a twitter account chronicling his endeavours as an all-star.
Alex Cyr - He is known as 'Slimy Cyr' for reasons unknown to himself. This name has taken on many derivatives such as Slim and Slim Jong Il.
Alex Neuffer - Known as Naughty Neuffer, simply because you won't like him when he's angry.
What's this blog about? I guess it's about a lot of things. Like running. Or school. The odd funny story may sneak in there, too. Most of our posts will be collaborations. In reality, unless otherwise specified, you could say they will all be. It's like one of those things where people share a name, but we're not doing that. Brandgelina can keep the fame (and Caleeufferalert was taken). We have an idea of what our posts will look like, and we want to advertise them, but we don't want to give much away to the audience. Besides, a combination of settling into the routine of schooling and racing downtime makes for a somewhat anticlimactic time of year. That being said, here is a brief insight on what we've been up to:
Lee broke his phone screen.
Cal stopped heal striking on runs.
Cyr won a rap battle.
Neuffer cleaned the kitchen and went for a bike ride.
Stuart spent his time roaming youtube in deep search for new videos to quote.
And there is more.
We have also been somewhat busy on the racing scene before taking a little breather to prepare for the year ahead. While Pembroke Stuey ran a solid 5000m track race in 15:34, the rest enjoyed an all-inclusive vacation on the 3rd best maritime province, PEI. While there, we entered the Gold Cup Trot 5k race, and left the city abuzz by recording the said 'fastest race in PEI history.' Most of the damage was done by Whistles, who entered the race with a 'if ya ain't first, yer last' attitude. Dubbed 'The Crazy Sprinting Man' by a few confused locals, he cruised to a record-breaking time of 15:08. The chase pack was comprised of DBC, Naughty and Slimy, who all enjoyed the greatest race of their summers. Results can be found here:
The boys of 18 Greening minus Stu plus Ellen |
I figure that the best way to go at this advertising business is not only to give you a look into the past, but also to give you one into the future. As the XC season hype is spreading faster than the Ebola virus (and may take as many victims), we have a jam packed schedule ahead of us, starting with a time trial race scheduled for tomorrow amongst the team. Next week is where the action begins, and it doesn't stop. Here is a detailed look:
So here it is. The beginning of another XC season, and one with potential. As athletes from a smallish school, we have the reputation of tilting with the heavyweights, so nobody should really count us out. Students of X campus who see us trotting in our shorts a bit more than you would want to, be assured that we're on a mission. We do not show our thighs only for the pure enjoyment of the task (although I'll admit, it's a factor), we do it to reach the end goal illustrated in our minds that is as clear as the mud which we run on. Don't count us out.
If you still don't think that looks can deceive, watch this. One of the runners of the team (or maybe it's his brother, I can't seem to tell the difference between the two) shows off some unpredictable, and maybe unprecedented, skills.
Slim and the All-Star