Conditions: Sloppy.
Team Summary Results
Place Team Finishers (Top Three) Point Total
1 2 3
1 St. Francis Xavier University 1 5 7 13
2 Universite Laval 3 10 16 29
3 Lakehead University 12 13 19 44
4 Dalhousie University 2 18 25 45
5 McMaster University 6 26 28 60
Overall Finish List
Place Score Name Team Average Pace (Drinks Per Hour )
1 1 Riley Johnston St. Fx 5
2 2 Nicholas Wood Dal 4.5
3 3 Charles PT Laval 4.3
4 4 Fuzzy Manitoba 10 (Incapacitated for 5 hours)
5 5 Lee Wesselius St. Fx 3.8
6 6 Blair Morgan McMaster 3.5
7 7 Cal DeWolfe St.Fx 3.4
8 8 John Kuto St. Marys * 0.5
9 9 Graeme Wach Dal 3.1
10 10 Nicolas Morin Laval 3.09
11 11 Russell Pennock Calgary 2.95
12 12 Jackson Bocksnick Victoria 2.7
13 13 Dylan Brown Lakehead 2.5
14 14 Tyler White Lakehead 2.2
15 15 Nick Favero St.Fx 2.17
16 16 Alex Ricard Laval 2.15
17 17 DST Guelph 0.1 (Supplied a fish)
18 18 Alex Neuffer St.Fx 2
19 19 Will Russel Dalhousie 1.8
20 20 Ryan Fuller St.Fx 1.7
AP All Canadian Justifications
Riley Johnston - Passes out naked in bath tub with condom on face. Ejected from Rob Roy's within 5 minutes. Allegedly made out with Speed Goggles.
Nicholas Wood- Pukes in the Airport twice the next day; is not allowed on the plane and spends an extra day in Newfoundland.
Charles PT - Third on the course, and also third in the AP. There were Snapchats of his bare ass in circulation?
Fuzzy - Hammered at 5:30pm, harasses St.Fx coaching staff asking for liquor since he "lost" all of his. Passes out by 8pm. Is revived at midnight and rejoins the party without his shirt or pants?
Lee Wesselius - Referred to by a pair of Newfies as "the desperate skinny guy hammered out of his mind". Got in a fight and hooked up with literally half a dozen girls.
Blair Morgan - Impressive wine chug, nice suit.
Cal DeWolfe - Got in two fights, ejected from Rob Roys within 20 minutes for dumping beer on a competitor.
John Kuto - Drinking pace was unimpressive but gains major points for inspirational quotes.
Graeme Wach - Streaked through the hall naked. Took a bite out of a cod fish, spat out its eye and some scales, but said it otherwise tasted "okay".
Nicholas Morin - Was still chugging beers when everyone else in the hall had called it quits. Impressive stamina.
Russell Pennock - ROY on the course, ROY where it counts. They're not the same thing. Interested to see what this guy can do when he matures.
Jackson Bocksnick - The stache carries him into the AC slot.
Dylan Brown - #ChundyNation
Tyler White - Flip Cup MVP for Lakehead.